OK, I took the ol' girl in to get inspected today. With the engine off, and the key turned to ACC, the right turn signal shows a solid arrow on the dash but nothing on the front or rear. The left one blinks. Emergency flashers work fine.
With the engine on, both turn signals work as they are supposed to.
Any ideas?
They went ahead and gave me the inspection sticker, but it was touch and go there for awhile.
Anything older than 35 years doesn't have to be inspected!!!
Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools talk because they have to say something.--Plato
Why is it that there's seldom time to fix it right the first time, but there's always time to fix it right the second time???
That's not an oil leakThat's SWEATfrom all thatHORSEPOWER!!
i have read about this problem before and i keep forgetting the answer. i want to say either a feedback loop in the wiring or something in the tss feeding back. i think.
My car will do that when there is a burnt out bulb. So there isn't enough draw to trip the blinker thing. Also my stuff blinks slower with the engine off so perhaps that side somehow doesn't have enough draw with the lower voltage compared to the higher voltage with the engine on. Also this theory could be intensified if you or a previous owner put in a HD blinker thing which barely blinks to began with when no trailer is plugged in.