Hey y'all, I've been busy trying to keep the '67 F250 project moving forward despite all the craziness going on. Luckily the shop is my sanctuary and has been a good place to escape to since my once desolate work days are now not so desolate with my wife and kids around more than normal. Don't get me wrong, I love my family, but when your used to your work days being full of solitude the addition of the family around all the time was quite the adjustment. It's still a balancing act. But, I finally have a fully disassembled truck minus the wheels and axles so I can roll it to my location for the frame cleaning and painting.
My question is... does anyone have a rough idea on how much Corroseal cleaner and Corroseal Rust Converter I may need?

Or, does anyone know of an accurate way to calculate an amount?

The stuff isn't cheap but I hear it works. So, the plan is to clean the frame, axles, and all the components and then use the Corroseal Rust Converter and then paint it all.