hummm...I had to change my starter about a week ago. It started starting "slow" for about a week, and then it just crapped out, and made a puff of smoke.

I guess I'm lucky with the six, as the starter on it is a piece of cake. I changed it in the dark with a flashlight, and it took about 10 min r@r...
I bought a new one with a lifetime warranty, so if it dies, the next is free. "almost every part I buy has a lifetime warranty"...My truck is loaded with them...
Myself, I kind of like ford starters. I think they are easier to install than most chevy starters. A chevy starter is pretty easy to slap on, but must be shimmed properly in order to avoid the nasty sound, and a buggered up flywheel on down the line. Many ignore this, and then you hear them later with a starter that sounds like it's shearing teeth off... In the long run, it is....

Another thing about GM starters is the solenoid...When they get old or hot, they start to act up, and then you have to swat them with a stick, or let them cool off before they will start. Fords don't do this much. Ford also has the solenoid up on the wheel well, where it's easy to change, and sees less heat.. I think mopar starters have the funkiest sound...

But they seem to be more like fords, than GM as far as the overall design... MK