1969 F-250 360 2WD
The New:
new carb
new plug wires
recent cap, rotor and points
new coil
new batt.
new starter
new solenoid
new electric fuel pump (previous owner)
new fuel filter (in-line)
New fuel gauge
The problem
Three days ago on a short drive, the engine started 'missing'. It was a very hard start, but managed to get nearly home before it stalled. After 35 minutes of walking back and forth to my house to the truck with tools, it started again and limped home. The next morning I began checking things and found a cracked terminal on my coil. Ah ha! I thought. I replaced the coil. The truck started up and idled smooth. When I took it out for a test drive, the symptoms immediately returned and have not gone away. Very rough idle (if it starts at all) and then it will stall. No backfiring or blue or black smoke; just quits.
Strange Symptoms
- Fuel gauge worked fine, now doesn't. It worked this afternoon when I tried to start it after installing a new fuel filter; then it quit working.
- Coming home before all this started, when the truck was running well, my headlights started flickering on and off.
- I filled up the tank the day this all began, stopped at the hardware store and noticed gas coming out of the closed cap. I MIGHT not have closed the cap all the way but pretty sure I did.
- The peculiar "runs fine, then lurches and misses and quits" symptom"
What I've checked
I checked the fuel pump, seems fine aside from testing pressure. Fuel is clear and clean, interior of tank from what I could see appears clean. I have not checked spark yet, will do that later today. Starter works very well with fast, even cranks. Carb was working beautifully, so I don't think that's an issue. When the truck was running, it ran very well with smooth power and idle. It has had starting issues since I bought it and I was certain I'd fixed that with the new starter and solenoid....however, I can't tell 100% because of this newer issue which mimics the starting issue. This seems like a sudden development.
I'm suspicious of the ignition switch: could that cause all this?
Thanks anyone and everyone; this is driving me nuts and I'm moving in two weeks and have to get this truck going!!!!!!