Ignition Switch

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Ignition Switch

Post by PhantomoftheBumpside »

Ok... so the keys to my bumps disappear off my carabiner I've been carrying since I went to Rappelling school in 87, no problem the grandkid probably managed to get their ring off while he was nabbing my keys several times this week, I'll just go buy a new start switch & cylinder...

So I visit one of the local O'Riley's, buy a set, get home, notice the switch is in a mislabeled box, and the plug wall is cracked, apparently a return.. no big deal... I install the cylinder in the switch, test mechanical operation ok.. remove the old switch from the dash, unplug the 44 year old switch, plug in the 'new' one (notice that it doesn't exactly go on easily), put in the key, turn to acc.. ok.. turn to run.. ok.. turn to start... NADA.

So, I pull the dash to get a good look at wiring, make sure nothing happened back there.. all looks ok, so I remove the 'new' switch and notice the body is a bit flimsy.. the pot metal back seems not well connected to the rest of the back... eh... I guess I'll take this one back and get another...

Return it to a different more local O'Riley's, answer questions, answer questions again for the manager, part of the plug wall that was cracked decided to fall off while the manager was checking it out... (I brought it back in the box, counter person took it out checked it, etc.. aft 5 minutes of handling it finally dropped off, nice quality..) They trade it... the new new one I see came in a plastic bag in the box (with a little gold Made in China sticker on the bag) ... take my new new switch home, notice that the back of it is a little loose too, but at least it isn't cracked so... install the cylinder, plug her in(not exactly a perfect fit again), test acc... ok, test run... ok, test start??

NADA! My previously running bump, the bump that has started without complaint in all weather ever since I got her dialed in.... now will not bump.

Guess I'm going to be playing with this a little while...
-- ROB --

The collective money pit details...
-On The Road-
1990 * 1FTEE14YZLHA83xxx ..- 138 E142 __ E 18 __ 3P


-Recently Departed-
1997 - 4M2DU55P9VUJ46xxx...- 112 4 22 _ _ 8 D4 U 1F
1997 - Dodge Caravan
1987 - Toyota Tercel Wagon FWD
1978 - Winnebago Brave (Dodge D800FC)
1970 - F10YRJ80xxx ..............- 131 3 F100 D _4 G 02
1968 - F25YRC99xxx .............- 131 E F253 B 81 G C8
1968 - F25YRD69xxx .............- 131 C F254 E 81 A 24
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Re: Ignition Switch

Post by jimmy828 »

After we finish our projects on our bumps using after market parts from other countries, i guess it would not be "American Made" like it was before we started!!! :(
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Re: Ignition Switch

Post by 72BahamaBlue »

A bit pricey-er, but hard to beat an NOS. Or, do the Ford dealers still carry a Motorcraft switch for your year?
I'm gonna start stockpiling USA made switches, just in case. I envision more bumps in my future...
Good luck!
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Re: Ignition Switch

Post by fonfixer »

I hate hearing that kinda news, especially since the ignition switch in mine just froze up today, refuses to turn at all. We were pulling up sapplings on the back 40 this morning and the key just fell out with the engine on. I thought about leaving it out but decided against that just incase we needed to kill the engine in a hurry. I guess the 44 year old key and lock finally gave out. I'm on the hunt for a good replacement, don't really like the idea of junkyard parts cause they're likely to be just as old.
1967 F100 swb 240 single barrel, manuel choke, three on the tree, style side
1967 F100 swb 240 single barrel, manuel choke, three on the tree, flare side
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