The setup appears to be pretty complete, with dual horns, a small compressor and air tank. Here are a couple pics of the setup (click to enlarge):

OK...from what I can see, it appears that the wiring hookups for the solenoid are as follows:

As marked in the above photo, #2 should be the hot wire, which goes to a toggle switch or horn button inside the cab. I believe #1 should be the ground hookup, and the black wire labeled as #3 connects to the bottom side of the tank and is just dangling there (out of view). I believe I should just be able to crimp a female spade connector onto the black wire (#3) and connect it to the #1 position of the solenoid to complete the circuit.
Now...for the air hookup.

Does the compressor use vacuum as an air source? There's a barbed connector on the compressor (marked #4), and a plugged-off vacuum line right beside it (marked #5), and at first glance it sure looks like I can simply hook the vacuum line up to the barbed connector on the compressor. Does this sound about right?
If this IS how it's supposed to be hooked up, I'm not sure why the vacuum line to the compressor was plugged...maybe the compressor doesn't work anymore? I guess I'll find out when I start messing with it. However, as luck would have it, the last time I was at the U-Pull-It I found an '87 Ranger XLT with rear airbags, and a complete compressor/tank/solenoid setup, which I snagged. So I do have parts that I could use to make this work, should the need arise.
And lastly...I wondering about the brass fittings coming off the solenoid, as shown in this graphic:

It appears that #6 is the remains of a drain valve and that the little 'T' part of the valve is missing. I'm guessing this is a moisture drainage for the tank, and that what I have marked as #7 is just the place for the drain tube to connect, and probably to extend down through the hole on the inner fender? It would seem to me that a drain valve in this position wouldn't be the most productive, and that it would work better on the bottom of the tank, as it's positioned on a standard full-size air compressor. Or would this drain be adequate for this horn setup?
Any insight would be greatly appreciated.