My 72 ranger has a non working Heater blower, but it may not be the motors fault. This truck has got some of the WORST rewires and "fixes" I have ever seen (I have 3 wires hanging down to power a 3 way switch for power to the radio/cd player) Anyways, there are 2 wires coming from the motor, one orange and one black. The black one runs up where the GB is and grounds, and the Orange was hooked to something like a switch by a previous owner at some point. If I hook up live power to the orange wire nothing happens other than the wire gets warm...
- The switch is in tach in the dash and the boxy connector coming off it isn't connected to anything (brown wire I think) and the other 3 wires go off behind the heater core box.
Why do I not get any action with the orange wires form the motor, and where is it supposed to go. Also where exactly do the wires go behind the heater box?
Any he;p is appreciated. And if i do need a new motor do they come out as easily as it looks like they do? And how much to replace?
Again thanks in advance everyone