First thing I did was disconnect the battery. I then removed my old steering wheel to take out my old broken turn signal switch. I also removed my dash cluster to get a better view of the wires behind. I cut the old TSS wires up top and taped each one to the matching wires on the new TSS and then pulled the old wires out the bottom of the steering column which pulled the new wires down through the channel and out under the dash. I then put my upper steering column back together and installed a new Grant steering wheel with adapter kit.
I was running out of light so I figured I would wire the new TSS into the plug adapter tomorrow afternoon when I get home from work. I reconnected the battery and when I went to start the truck, nothing.. Not even a click. I did not have my dash cluster back in at this point as I didnt think that would matter, but I reinstalled it anyway (plug and speedo cable) and still nothing. My cab light doesnt even dim when I turn the ignition.
I checked all of the wires from my ignition and they have not been touched. I dont see any obvious fuse problems. What could it be?? Is there a safety check in the steering column that detects PARK for starting the vehicle? That is my theory and since I did not rewire the steering column, that might be what it is. At least, that is what I hope it is. But all of the wires go to the TSS which sits in the steering column above the shifter. I did not see any obvious electrical connection to the shifter, so I am afraid that I have some false hope that this is the issue. Does anyone know if the safety switch for starting the car in gear is actually in the steering column or is it in the trans?
At this point, I am open to any ideas or suggestions. I wont be able to try anything until tomorrow afternoon, but fire away please!! I hope it is just a matter of getting the TSS wired back up and plugged in. But nothing is ever that simple for me.

Thanks in advance..