Anybody wired MSD to Duraspark II?

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Alfred Lord Tenniscourt
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Anybody wired MSD to Duraspark II?

Post by Alfred Lord Tenniscourt »

I am wiring up an MSD ignition computer to a duraspark II distributor. There are three wires from the duraspark, none of which match the MSD wiring diagram, and there are only two inputs that he MSD needs. I am assuming that I wire up the two sides of the pick-up coil, and that the polarity doesn't matter. If I am wrong, I would really apreciate it if someone would pipe up before I trash my stuff.
Actually, I would apreciate it if someone would tell me I am right too. It would calm me down some...
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Post by 72hiboy4x4 »

(Note: this is on my CJ, but kinda related)

My Cj-5 uses an electronic pickup dizzy, a late model Ford style MSD Blaster TFI coil and an MSD Off-Road ignition box. I only used 2 of the 3 wires off the dizzy to fire the ignition box, so you should be on the right track. The dizzy just acts as a trigger, so you shold be fine.

(take this as freely as its given, it is possible I'm wrong, but it did work for me)
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Post by 72hiboy4x4 »

hers a pic of my set-up. You can just see the way the wires are tied into the dizzy.

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re: Anybody wired MSD to Duraspark II?

Post by Alfred Lord Tenniscourt »

Well, she fired up ok, so I guess we were right. I wasnt sure if there was an actual negative and positive side to the pick-up coil. Theoriticaly, I can't see why it would matter, and it either doesn't, or I just got really lucky on my first try putting it together.
I suppose the third wire is a ground, and the first two see a difference in voltage that triggers the MSD.
Thanks for the help.
That jeep looks like it probably runs pretty strong by the way...
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Post by 72hiboy4x4 »

she runs out pretty good, thanks!
Glad it worked out for ya, I had the same question when I set mine up.
here's me playing around right before I packed it up to move to OK.
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