I have a 68 F100 with a stock harness. The stock harness is fine. I just want to upgrade the fuse box to a modern blade type. I was looking at painless wiring part 30001 ( link: http://www.painlessperformance.com/webc ... chField=14 ). What do you think. They said with a 68 wiring diagram it should be plug and play. Also, this sit does not have 1968 wiring diagrams, only for the charging system, anyone have one?
And last, I have a stock A/C unit if that matters. And I plan on changing the dist., remove the regulator, install ignition box and coil.
Any help or suggestions would be great.
1968 Ford F100 Custom Cab
A/C, Power Steering & Brakes, 360ci, Holley 600 cfm, Headers, Dual Exhuast
ok...i understand the fuse box being bad, but a new panel with 39 year old wiring?
You will have to cut & terminate each end into the fuse panel. Not a difficult job, but the ends of the wire can tend to be brittle, & make it a bit harder to install. Not a deal breaker, just something to think about
As a metter of fact, i AM trying to keep up with the Jones'
Driving like Parnelli, Drinkin' like George