well im chasing down some more electrical gremlins. everyonce in a while my blinkers stop working, my clearance lights go out, and my tach(which i have wired to the fuse box) quits. and i will either stomp the floor real hard, and hit a bump and they will all work again . So i spent 6 hours today chasing every single wire for shorts, blown fuses, bad connections, and it all came down to the fuse box. The blade terminals are just about rusted off and are loose in the back of the box. which would explain why kicking and hitting bumps would make them work. My question is. where can i get a replacement box besides LMC and the junkyard. LMC has one for 169.00 but that is a little to spendy for me and i can never trust junkyard products. will any from other ford vehicles plug in to the existing harness? say a mid 70's galaxie 500 station wagon or 77 ford fairlane(which happen to be sitting next to the shop) ? or would i be beter off to buy a new one from lmc and get the new blade fuses as a benefit?
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2012 Cummins-the luxury Tow Pig
1967 F-250 highboy 352, np435(((((((sold))))))))) My first true love
1968 F100 SWB. 360, np-435, flatbed, currently acting as a hornest nest and bee hive.
1971 F-100 4x4 Step-side. 360, np-435, 70k origional miles- needs allot of love.
Not sure how stock you want to keep it, if it's not an issue it wouldn't be difficult to cut the whole fuse box out and wire in a universal box and you could chose between glass or blade fuses. Then you could add in a couple of extra circuits for future add ons.
i don't really care about stock with this since it is under the dash. plus a upgrade would be more reliable. If i bought a universal, wouldn't i have to try and connect every single wire back up t othe right terminal? what i really need are stab lock flat terminals for my accessories
My Photo Album
2012 Cummins-the luxury Tow Pig
1967 F-250 highboy 352, np435(((((((sold))))))))) My first true love
1968 F100 SWB. 360, np-435, flatbed, currently acting as a hornest nest and bee hive.
1971 F-100 4x4 Step-side. 360, np-435, 70k origional miles- needs allot of love.
Yes, you have to wire each one individually. Just do what's easiest for you, place the universal near the original and remove and install each wire/circuit one at a time until you're done and then pull the old box out or make yourself a diagram and/or mark each wire and then cut the old box clean out and start fresh on the new one.
boys all my wireing burnt up years ago i made myself a homade wiring harnes and wired everything myself and put inline fuses in it all works grat been that way for 15 yrs now
so, you're gonna install a new fuse panel.....and use wire that is at least 35 years old?????
Pricey unit, but a Painless 10117 will drop in place.
If you are set on just replacing the fuse panel;, a 30001 Painless panel will do everything you need. Uses the ATO style fuses, and each circuit is identified on the panel.
just my
As a metter of fact, i AM trying to keep up with the Jones'
Driving like Parnelli, Drinkin' like George
well i won't have time to do anything now since i leave for wyoming in like 4 days for college. but maybe in the summers i'll take care of it as well as get my front axle done to match the rear and swap in the 390gt heads and headers i acquired. i'll probably just buy a painless and swap it in.
My Photo Album
2012 Cummins-the luxury Tow Pig
1967 F-250 highboy 352, np435(((((((sold))))))))) My first true love
1968 F100 SWB. 360, np-435, flatbed, currently acting as a hornest nest and bee hive.
1971 F-100 4x4 Step-side. 360, np-435, 70k origional miles- needs allot of love.
If you do a new system, I have seen and heard good things about EZwiring. under $200. I plan to use one on my 67 when I put power windows and door locks on some time in the future.
Project: '63 F-100 LWB / 460 / C6 / 2x4 / Work In Progress!
Daily Driver: '67 F-250 Converted to F-100 LWB / 300 / T-5 / 9" 3.70:1 / 235/75R15 Tires 1/4 mile in 17.64s @ 75mph (it's 4200lbs!!!)
"Work Harder! Millions On Welfare Depend On YOU!!"