
Charging, starting, lighting, gauges, HVAC

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Post by R.Smith »

This morning when I went to start the 70F250CS, it fired fine but cut off, so I try again and nothing. No clicks or anything, so I jiggle the back of the ignition switch and it falls off in my hand! I replace the switch with a spare and still nothing. I check the fuse box and fuses with the meter, check the batt with the meter, tb the inline fuse coming off the cellonoid is good but, I have no power to the fuse box or switch. Any tips would help!!!
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Re: Ignition

Post by basketcase0302 »

Here's the wiring diagram for it that might help:
http://www.fordification.com/tech/wirin ... master.jpg

I would start at the post on the solenoid where the positive battery cable connects to, (the large terminal with the 1/2" nut).
I have no power to the fuse box or switch.
Does anything electrical on the truck work? Headlights / horn or anything?
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Re: Ignition

Post by R.Smith »

Nothing worked BUT, I swapped the cellonoid and now it works fine. Go figger. Thanks.
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Re: Ignition

Post by randyvines »

good thing about the solenoid switch, I have been through many ignition switches. The falling apart was too common i went through 4 in a matter of a year (life time warranties) at Oreilly's. When Oreilly's finally said that they didn't have any more I went to NAPA and got a OEM type it cost twice as much but has not failed in over a year.
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