wiring harness pt 2

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wiring harness pt 2

Post by Fo-Mo-Co »

OK so my parts truck is a 71 with full gauges. my 68 has dummy lights. I am swapping the harness and I have the gauges. So is it a direct swap for everything else?
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Re: wiring harness pt 2

Post by fordman »

yes the only parts of the harness from the 71 you will need to swap out is the cab harness and the passenger side harness completly. as long as you had a 71 harness in there to begin with the drivers side engine compartment harness should be the same. the center wiring for the engine should also be the same. the tail light wiring harness that goes under the cab will be the same on all 67-72 trucks except for a few early 67 will only have one wire for the brake pressure diffential switch.
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Re: wiring harness pt 2

Post by Fo-Mo-Co »

So I need the part that runs up to the silonid (speeling)? That part from the 68 harness won't work?
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Re: wiring harness pt 2

Post by fordman »

not it wont hook togther. not completely. there are three plugs at the firewall. on full gauges the three plugs are all square and have wires in almost off of the four plug holes. on the dummy light wiring one of the three connects will be flat. and only have two wires going to and coming from it. it has to do with the alternator and shunt for the alt gauge. if i could find that dummy light alt harness i would take a compare picture. but it has to be buried under this mess someplace. well i dont have that picture any more either. mayeb someone has a picture of thier firewall plugs.
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Re: wiring harness pt 2

Post by Thunderfoot »

I believe the Ignition switch is also different on the 71-72 from your 68 one.
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Re: wiring harness pt 2

Post by mk »

Sorry for the late response; hope you've got things figured out. If you're putting the 71 gauge cluster in the 69, you have to use all the harness pieces from the 71 except the rear harness. 67-69 and 70-72 harnesses do not mix.

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