I took the '68 CS and camper out this weekend and it worked perfect... not a kink anywhere.
I was coming home late so I had to use the headlights.
I was going to drive it this am and it would not start... All I got was the tommy gun click.
I checked the voltage with a meter it 11.7v.
Here's where it get's wierd I was going to jump it with the aux battery... which I have done a few times in the past... click click click nothin'
I messed with the connections and all that but still couldn't get it start.
I checked the voltage in the aux bat... it was also 11.7.
Everything in the charging system is new... alt, reg, cables, cable ends, bat isolater, batteries and all the wiring going to the camper.
(which worked great all weekend.. I was able to watch movies on my lap top just fine).
SInce the voltages in the batteries were the same, I'm thinkin' either regulator or alternator... what do ya'all think???
Where should I start lookin'?
Edit: This has happened 3x time now, which is why everything is new...
It always seems to happen the morning after I have come home late and had to use my head lights.
I have one of the Paul's (390nut) headlight harness'.
Could it be that the head lights are drawing more power than the alt is putting out?
Thanks again,