agreed with take out the panel.... remove the speedo cable in most cases and then take the screws out and carfully put it forword enough to reach the lights if its a 68 this pic may help ... 010011.jpg
it is the top two holes i believe and the bottem two are your turns... should be 1895 bulbs if i remember correctlly, i replaced mine with green leds and the 67 f600 dash
I don't really care about brands Chevy Ford Dodge long as it doesn't sound like two old dudes farting in a coffee can. Projects listed on the left side
WOOOT!! i passed my mechanics classes. Now working as a mechanic and waiting to go for my ASE certifications.
I agree with them. Get that panel out and change them. It's too tight under the dash to reach them without scratches, fussing, and possibly something knocked loose in the wiring.