I need some help

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I need some help

Post by Bumpside70 »

I need some help guys. This is a problem I'm having with my 64 Buick. I know this is for Ford trucks but I thought this is a general problem I could get some suggestions about. I've been trying to get the Buick to turn over. I put a good battery in and when I turn on the accessories and the dome light...everything works. As soon as I try to start it...nothing...not even the accessories. Then I disconnect the battery and reconnect it. Accessories work again but the engine won't turn over again. Any ideas as what could be causing this? Is something shorting out maybe? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! :D
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re: I need some help

Post by DuckRyder »

How long has it been sitting?

Check all the connections, particularly the battery to starter and ground cables.

Can you manually turn the engine?

If you can manually turn the engine, try giving the starter a smack with a hammer. (don't try to kill it but give it a smart whack.)
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re: I need some help

Post by seattle67 »

Yup, sure sounds like a dirty or loose battery connection. Not necessarily talking about just the connections at the battery itself, but like DuckRyder suggested, check all the connections on the battery cables, on the starter relay, at the starter, and for sure all the negative connections.

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re: I need some help

Post by Bumpside70 »

Thanks for the suggestions. I will try them and see what happens. I will keep you posted .
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