Flasher realy location?

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Flasher realy location?

Post by yogi_pahl »

I have no blinkers what so ever, the back light come on when i fip the head lights on and when i hook a volt matter to the switch and it works fine. Can some on post a pic of what it looks like and wear it is located?
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re: Flasher realy location?

Post by SteveC »

i dont have a pic but its a little blue or silver canastire a little bigger than a soda bottle lid usally on the back of the intrument panel or in that general area it is probally easier to remove the cluster
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re: Flasher realy location?

Post by yogi_pahl »

I think i found it. It was a coldish color box that was held to the metal frame thing that is behind the cluster. It had two tabs on it . One with a X next to it the other a L. Is this it and id so how would i test the relay?
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re: Flasher realy location?

Post by kaptnkaos »

That's one of them...

Our trucks have 2 flasher units.
One for the turn signals and one for the e-flasher.
I had problems with my signals for a long time before I learned that there were 2 flashers.
After replacing the second one I didn't have any problems.
It could also be the turn signal switch (TSS).
Because the turns signals and brake lights both run thru the TSS, it affects more than you would think.

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Post by yogi_pahl »

I keep looking at the wiring diagram and it looks as if the 2nd one for just the turns it attached to the back of the gauge plate is this right? B/c i don't have on on it any wear but have a spot that looks like one was there but no loss wires any wear to be seen or looks to be cut. the only thing i can see is that some one wired a light to the light that turn on with your head light to a oil gauge but can't see anything else to wear it was cut or anything.

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