Warm wire off ignition switch?

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Warm wire off ignition switch?

Post by rwilliam99 »

First, I have to say....:fr: This site is very cool, loaded with info.

My son just got his first vehicle, a 1969 F100. It is in really good shape, runs great, and the body is in pretty good shape for a truck that is almost 40 years old (a little rust here and there).

We were trying to install a CB yesterday, however I noticed something odd while trying to wire it in. When the ignition switch is turned to the ON position (not started, just ON), the pink wire coming from the ignition switch starts to heat up. It hasn't gotten warm enough to melt, or even burn your hand, but it concerns me that it is even getting warm.

I see in the wiring diagrams posted here that the pink wire is a resistance wire. It looks like some part of the wiring have been replaced, since there are butt connectors for the ignition switch and some other places (although it looks well done, not a hack).

Two questions:
  • 1. Is this normal?
    2. If not, any ideas on what could be causing it?
Thanks in advance for any guidance any of you experts can provide.


P.S. - A little off topic - I'm currently restoring a 1973 Capri.
P.P.S. - My son really wanted a Chevy, but we found this one, which was in much better shape than the Chevys we saw. His grandfather would have been embarrassed if he had gotten a Chevy! :doh:
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re: Warm wire off ignition switch?

Post by ToughOldFord »

It got warm because you had the ignition on without the truck running. This allows the coil to charge up, but since it can't discharge it just overloads things like wires, points, coils, etc.

Always use the ACC position when you need power with the engine off. :thup:
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re: Warm wire off ignition switch?

Post by ToughOldFord »

BTW, :wel: to Fordification!
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Re: re: Warm wire off ignition switch?

Post by seattle67 »

ToughOldFord wrote:It got warm because you had the ignition on without the truck running. This allows the coil to charge up, but since it can't discharge it just overloads things like wires, points, coils, etc.

Always use the ACC position when you need power with the engine off. :thup:


TOF knows of what he speaks. Bad juju to leave the key in the on position with the truck not running.

As far as the wire getting hot, that pink wire is actually a resistive wire, so it will generate some heat when it has current flowing through it.

Welcome by the way!

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re: Warm wire off ignition switch?

Post by rwilliam99 »

I knew I came to the right place!

You guys were spot on with your advice. With the key in the ACC position, the wire stays cool. It heats up a little bit when running, but not like when the truck isn't running.

Thanks much for the great advice. I'm sure we will need more expert advice as we come across things with the truck!

I thought I'd add a small picture of the truck, just in case anyone is interested...

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re: Warm wire off ignition switch?

Post by AK F100 »

Nice truck. I like the toolbox in the bed. I think you will enjoy it around here, I know I do. :thup:
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Post by Underdog97 »

Hey Rwilliams99. If you're in the Portland neighborhood so Am I if you need anything for your 69 give me a holler
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