Ok so the other day i noticed my dash lights quit again, no doubt because i was farting around when my wiper switches/motors weren't working.so i was pulling all my fuses, and guess what i found.....or more accurately didn't find. I have no fuse in the spot marked emergency and whatever else is on the same circuit. Also the terminals are pretty cruddy, so is this going to have the same effect as having no hazard switch installed? It seems someone posted in my other thread that i had to have a hazard switch installed for turns to work. Does the hazard switch have to be good or just close the loop for turns to work?
Reading this makes me think this is a rather dumb question.
This has been kind of annoying as i have put 2 different switches on never thought to look for a missing fuse.
I know, I know, simplest thing first process of elimination.
PS: still haven't found that pesky 2nd flasher can!