Well folks, the installation kit came in today. The kit number 185 was the correct one for mounting it to the driver's side cowl. I took some pictures of the kit, and also scanned the template and installation instructions...all are posted below.
FIG. 01
FIG. 02
At the bottom of Fig. 02 is the mounting bracket and gasket. I didn't really need it, but it's part of the kit, enabling you to mount any Unity spotlight. Just above the gasket is the drill bushing. [
CLICK HERE to see a hi-res picture of that drill bushing.]
I then scanned the mounting template (with a ruler), and tried printing it out, and it matched up perfectly with the master, so you all should be able to use this template for locating your own spotlight.
NOTE: I tried printing this from my browser, and it came out too small. However, if you save the image to your hard drive and then print it out, it SHOULD be correct. If not, at least you can use the ruler on the image as a guide for resizing it on a copier to get the correct size.
FIG. 03
I then scanned all four pages of the installation instructions and converted them to a single PDF file, which will allow you to either view or print them out:
CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD (2.56MB) (Right-click on the link and choose 'Save As...' to save this PDF to your hard drive.)
I'll be getting started on installing mine sometime in the near future, and when I do I'll be putting together a complete tutorial. In the meantime, I hope this stuff helps you all out!