This truck in it's current condition is rather rough. It sat for quite a few years with the hood off and no air cleaner so the engine is full of water and stuck solid. It has no interior really and no back glass. It has a rather sloppy floor shifter as well. There is bondo like you would not believe on this thing I mean head to toe it is covered. Under the bondo is some rust of course. Cab floors are rusty but not terribly bad. Bed floor is pretty bad. Cab mounts are solid! The truck has good bones and such it just has a lot of ugly as well. I hope to restore her one day when time and money allow it sooooo not for a long time

Sorry! I thought I had more than just two photos of her! My bad. I will throw in a photo of me and my dad and an old Fairlane my grandfather use to own to keep yall entertained till I can get more photos of the bump!