Here's what I'm starting with. A pretty much bone stock '71 F-100 Custom. The original 3 on the tree has been replaced with a mid 80's 4 speed overdrive manual and the points have been replaced with a DuraSpark ignition. Other than that, there haven't been many changes from stock. It doesn't look too bad for a truck that has sat since 2000.

Original 360 FE with late model DuraSpark ingnition.

It has the usual set of problems for Ford trucks of this era. Cab mounts are shot...

Floor boards rotted out...

Due to some family and career issues, its taken me a bit to get started on it, but in the last couple of weekends I've started tearing it down to gain access to the areas that need attention. So far I haven't found anything that has made me give up on it.

I'm trying to document the progress with pictures so I have some reference when I put it all back together so updates should be forth coming. I apologize if the pictures are a bit blurry - I have essential tremors that make taking a clear picture a bit of a challenge. I only usually get to work on it on weekends when the weather cooperates, but I'll update as often as possible.