Is this ignition switch NOS or NORS?

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Kurt Combs
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Is this ignition switch NOS or NORS?

Post by Kurt Combs »

Thinking about buying this ignition switch because I like NOS better than aftermarket or NORS,I thought Motorcraft was a later idea by Ford? Can someone tell me if this is really NOS, or is it something Ford allowed to be made by Motorcraft after the early seventies? Also open to suggestions for a source of a good ignition switch that isn't made in China. ... 4480wt_901

Thanks for any info about these switches.
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Re: Is this ignition switch NOS or NORS?

Post by 72BahamaBlue »

I thought NORS was a different branded than original, old stock replacement. Time to Google...

Could you ask the seller if there's a Made in ( ) stamp on the box?
I'd guess that switch is as original or close to original as you will find, likely made by the original supplier.
The new Ford parts I get at the dealer for my '05 Focus are Motorcraft.
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Re: Is this ignition switch NOS or NORS?

Post by Kurt Combs »

I thought that FoMoCo, or some such brand was the original Ford stuff. Is Motorcraft original Ford parts in 1972? If so, that would be as good as it gets.
1972 F-250
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Re: Is this ignition switch NOS or NORS?

Post by Kurt Combs »

I just googled Motorcraft and found a Wikipedia entry on the subject and we all know we can trust Wikipedia. :lol: Seems Ford started using Motorcraft to replace Autolite in 1972 at government request/demand. So it looks like the switch is NOS.
1972 F-250
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