None of my gauges working but speedometer.

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None of my gauges working but speedometer.

Post by HDxLoki »

Could it be a fuse out? The main thing I want to get fixed is my fuel gauge. I think it's the sending unit cause I have 2 tanks and neather of the gauges work. But what would be causing the rest not to work? This weekend I'm going to follow the wires and see if they've been chewed up by rats or something. If you have any ideas on how to fix at least the gas gauges cause that's my main consern but eventually I would like all the gauges to work. Just so I don't have to run out of gas when I'm on the road!
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Re: None of my gauges working but speedometer.

Post by Bob »

2 Amp fuse in your fuse panel... Most likely.
If not that give the big long plug on the backside of the instrument panel a nudge to be sure it hasn't backed out. sometimes if they've been removed in a rough way the latch thingy will break off.

If not fuse etc. ... If I'm not mistaken... I think all that stuff is fed through your light switch. Somebody else can chime in on that but I think it could also be your light switch.

Odds are best it's the fuse.
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Re: None of my gauges working but speedometer.

Post by Bob »

Also there are wiring diagrams on this site under the Tech/Tutorials drop down menu thingy that might help you out. This site certainly is a wealth of information on these old girls... :thup:
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Re: None of my gauges working but speedometer.

Post by ForingaMex »

I would suggest checking the IPVR in the back of the gauge cluster. The power for gauge lights comes from the light switch but I don't think the main power for the actual gauges does. :2cents:
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Re: None of my gauges working but speedometer.

Post by HDxLoki »

I think it might possibly be my tank selector switch or the sending unit but I hooked my voltage reader to the switch and had nothing when the truck was running.
1972 F250 Ranger XLT Camper Special 390ci Bought Brand new in 1972 and passed down from my Grandpa after he passed
RIP Paul & Von
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