NAPA "Lights on" Buzzer Kit How To install on my 67?

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NAPA "Lights on" Buzzer Kit How To install on my 67?

Post by Archinto »

Hey everyone,

I bought a lights on buzzer kit from Napa for my 67 F-350, and followed the instructions, but cant seem to get it to work right. Its just a basic buzzer with two alligator clips and fuse taps. I can get it to buzz, but I cant get it to stop unless I disconnect the ground. It called for being installed to the fuse box via an ignition circuit or instrument panel circuit. If I attach the ground to the body, it will buzz constantly if the lights are on. If I hook it tot he ground in the fuse block, it doesn't work at all.

Does anyone have any experience with these kits on their fords? Unless my heater is running, or my wipers are on, I almost always forget to turn my lights off if I am on a mission..... I don't want to cream my expensive gel battery because of leaving my lights on....
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Re: NAPA "Lights on" Buzzer Kit How To install on my 67?

Post by fordman »

there is no ground in the stock fuse box. i have no idea how yours is hooked up. but here is what i image how it should hook up. one wire will go to the power to the lights to sence if there is power going to the light. a ground and that might be all the wires it has. i am not sure. it might have another power always on wire to the ignition switch. or if it does have the wire to the ignition switch it would be to sence that the power to the ignition switch is turned tooff. so that would make it buzz if the lights are on. a quick question which lights are you trying to hook up for? the headlights or the dome light?
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Re: NAPA "Lights on" Buzzer Kit How To install on my 67?

Post by Archinto »

Its for the headlights. I rarely use the dome light, although, that might be a good fuse to tap into seeing as its directly wired into headlight switch.... Who knows lol

the wiring is all stock for the mpst part. It had a plow at one time, as the light switch is still there. Theres trucklite brand taillights on it and it had an aftermarket turn signal put in it, and the turn signal wires going into the column have been cut and re-wired to the switch. I don't think that would affect the light circuit for the buzzer.
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