Most recently was yesterday, I was driving her and I was stopped at a light. I pulled the choke out for giggles because she sounds pretty, and while I'm waiting at the worlds longest red light she just stalled. I couldn't get her to turnover again. I had all my tools and my multimeter read 12.0v. This afternoon, after jumping Lucy she said 12.3v. 12.3v is low, but enough to crank. When she's running, the alternator is putting out enough juice, l I've measured this several times including right after jumping Lucy yesterday. I just rebuilt the starting/charging system over the past 4 weeks, new starter, alternator, voltage regulator, solenoid, and battery cables.
This led me to believe that since I pushed the battery so hard lately because the previous starting/charging wasn't working right that the battery needed to be replaced (it was a low end off-brand battery to begin with). So, I got it load tested at O'Reilly today and they said the battery is just fine, but they did note the sulfur smell while testing it.
What else could be the issue?