I've been searching and cannot find what I'm looking for. Can anyone point me in the direction of a wiring diagram for the 70 Styleside roof marker lights? Am trying to figure out where they go in the dash; do they hook up to the light switch? I have a massive clusterbleep of wires that was previously done. Thanks in advance!!!
"Whenever the people are well-informed, they can be trusted with their own government.”
Thomas Jefferson
The wiring goes over to the PS. Pull the glove box out and stand on your head (not kiddin" and look up in there and you'll see it.
Gimme' a few minutes and I'll link my picture as well as the wiring on them, got a bad storm coming in!
And here's where the circuit breaker and relay are located:
Jeff http://www.fordification.com/forum/view ... 22&t=46251
SOLD-71 F-350 dually flatbed, 302 / .030 over V-8 with a "baby"C-6, B & M truckshifter, Dana70/4.11 ratio, intermittent wipers, tilt steering, full LED lighting on the flat bed, and no stereo yet (this way I can hear the rattles to diagnose)! SOLD!
Many Ford bumps / one 76' EB / and several dents through the years.
A lot of "oddball" Ford parts collected from working on them for 34 years now!
2008 Ford Escape 4 x 4
I totally get the standing on your head part, been there, done that and was looking on the wrong side. The schematic makes sense after seeing the picture, thanks guys!
"Whenever the people are well-informed, they can be trusted with their own government.”
Thomas Jefferson
All 67-72 harnesses have a short 3-4" brown wire with a female bullet end sticking out of the LH side of the harness behind the ignition switch. This wire, live when the lights are on, is the feed for the roof lights. On the heavier trucks with more marker lights to feed, a wire runs across to the RH side from this point to trip the relay shown in the pics. Full battery current runs to the lights from here, taking the load off the light switch. If you've just got the five roof lights, you shouldn't need the extra relay harness. And if anyone does have a need for one of these harnesses, I do happen to have one here in the pile
Not sure about the warmth of the ignition switch...
I just ordered all new marker light kit from LMC, in the description it says it has a separate toggle switch to use these lights independent of the other lights. Anyone ever install one of these? I really don't see the point of having them separate but wiring is NOT my thing unless I want to bang my head against the wall and repeat....
"Whenever the people are well-informed, they can be trusted with their own government.”
Thomas Jefferson
mk on Mon Jun 20, 2011 11:49 am
There isn't really any reason to run a separate switch with the factory feed wire available.
2nd that, as they are already on a circuit breaker and relay.
Unless you wanted to be able to turn them off at times, (independent of the headlight switch)?
Jeff http://www.fordification.com/forum/view ... 22&t=46251
SOLD-71 F-350 dually flatbed, 302 / .030 over V-8 with a "baby"C-6, B & M truckshifter, Dana70/4.11 ratio, intermittent wipers, tilt steering, full LED lighting on the flat bed, and no stereo yet (this way I can hear the rattles to diagnose)! SOLD!
Many Ford bumps / one 76' EB / and several dents through the years.
A lot of "oddball" Ford parts collected from working on them for 34 years now!
2008 Ford Escape 4 x 4
on many of the F600's they have a blink switch or just a toggle for only the clearance or roof marker lights right inthe F600 cluster. that blink switch is used for thank you's the toggle can be used only for bed or trailer clearance lights. i have seen some wired seperatly. and other wired in with the main switch.
i have seen some wired seperatly. and other wired in with the main switch.
Alright...I'm busted! I did wire in a separate switch to my cab lights, but it also controls my bed marker lights.
Did it in anticipation of having a charging issue, (I can shut down those lights to make it further down the road).
Jeff http://www.fordification.com/forum/view ... 22&t=46251
SOLD-71 F-350 dually flatbed, 302 / .030 over V-8 with a "baby"C-6, B & M truckshifter, Dana70/4.11 ratio, intermittent wipers, tilt steering, full LED lighting on the flat bed, and no stereo yet (this way I can hear the rattles to diagnose)! SOLD!
Many Ford bumps / one 76' EB / and several dents through the years.
A lot of "oddball" Ford parts collected from working on them for 34 years now!
2008 Ford Escape 4 x 4
Are there any good books out there for wiring the 70 F100? I found one for every year except the '70; but in researching my VIN number it was assembled in '69, don't have a clue if that makes a darn bit of difference or not. The wiring is really driving me crazy; if only I could get my head between the clutch and brake to really look up under there I may have better luck. Found an original radio too and once I got the POS replacement out I found that the previous owner had cut away those two steel supports under the dash.....arrrgggg!!!! However I can work around that. Really lucked out, there is a guy in town who knows how to go through them and fix them, only piece of luck I've had so far. The marker lights worked one day and then stopped. As I said, wiring for me is banging my head against the wall.
"Whenever the people are well-informed, they can be trusted with their own government.”
Thomas Jefferson
Are there any good books out there for wiring the 70 F100?
I've always had a Chiltons, but it is very brief in the wiring department on our trucks. Haynes manual is another book that is a good source for information on out truck. The factory service manual on CD would be nice, I've just never put out the money for it.
I got one of these a few years ago, keep it in the truck for roadside emergencies. It's not the "gospel" as far as being exactly right, but it does help tremendously. I'd found a few wires that the color was not accurate on-but rout was correct. And the guy is a good seller!
Jeff http://www.fordification.com/forum/view ... 22&t=46251
SOLD-71 F-350 dually flatbed, 302 / .030 over V-8 with a "baby"C-6, B & M truckshifter, Dana70/4.11 ratio, intermittent wipers, tilt steering, full LED lighting on the flat bed, and no stereo yet (this way I can hear the rattles to diagnose)! SOLD!
Many Ford bumps / one 76' EB / and several dents through the years.
A lot of "oddball" Ford parts collected from working on them for 34 years now!
2008 Ford Escape 4 x 4