Hard start First time of the day

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Hard start First time of the day

Post by Fastgast57 »

We're slowly getting my 67 352 back to life but we're having some issues. We flushed the Aux tank and straight plumbed it to the fuel pump. First start of the day takes forever. Fuel pumps from the jets right away, take a bunch of pumping and full choke to start if it does. Once started and warmed up it runs good and starts in the first couple of cranks. We've sit timing and point to proper settings. Could the starter be drawing to much that there not enough for ignition? Was think of Electronic ignition, I seen a conversation thread here I though but can't find it. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
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Re: Hard start First time of the day

Post by Thunderfoot »

Which carburetor do you have?
Does it crank over slower first thing then it does after it is warmed up? The only time I have ever seen not enough voltage to fire the motor is when the battery was almost dead and the motor almost not turning over... :2cents:

To me this sounds like a carb problem with it emptying out of fuel over night... :2cents:
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Re: Hard start First time of the day

Post by 70_F100 »

You say it takes a bunch of pumping or full choke to start. Are you getting fuel each time you pump the accelerator? If not, I agree with Thunderfoot :yt: , the carb may be emptying itself overnight. Most likely cause of that is a bad check valve in the fuel pump.

If you are getting proper fuel, it sounds like it could be ignition. :hmm:

You say you've set the timing and points. Did you use a dwell meter to set the points? :? What timing setting did you use? :? Did you just set the points, or did you replace them? :? Did you replace the condenser (should always be replaced when replacing points) and spark plugs? :? If you replaced the plugs, what did you set the gap at? :? How old are the plug wires, distributor cap and rotor? :?
Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools talk because they have to say something.--Plato
Why is it that there's seldom time to fix it right the first time, but there's always time to fix it right the second time???

That's not an oil leak :nono: That's SWEAT from all that HORSEPOWER!! :thup:
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Re: Hard start First time of the day

Post by Fastgast57 »

:fr: Boy, thanks for all the feedback. update is it appears to start now with full choke and 2 pumps. As far as timing and dwell goes my race car tuner has set everything to specs that he got from here. The truck sat for a year or more and we weren't there when the guy started it(Darn). Supposably he replaced the timing chain, fuel pump and 8 push rods, spark plugs and wires.. I picked it up and made it 3 miles til I bent some more push rods and blew out a lifter. Fixed that changed oil(put in Delo 15w40 & 1 can of resilone) and then she'd run about 4 miles and act like she ran out of fuel, restart and go again :cry: . I bypassed the main tank and hard plumbed the aux tank and fill with high test gas, now it don't quit running just had the start issue and of course lifter noise, I should have added we changed oil and added resilone. My tuner is playing with it now and lifter noise, oil pressure is getting better. We think a carb kit is in order as it stubbles on take off, Another set of plugs and he found a TFI distrutor off a 460, module and coil. I'm thinking about driving it a couple hundred miles and changing the oil and filter again. If you all can think of something esle drop me a line and I really am impressed with the feedback. Thanks :)
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Re: Hard start First time of the day

Post by Fastgast57 »

:clap: Quick update, found a TFI distr. yesterday at the junk yard so that'll be going in soon. Drove the truck 10 miles and must say I was impressed, the power level is good and it drove real smooth at 70 mph is no problem. Brakes,steering,lights ,heater/defrosters are all working fine. We cut the oil filter apart andd it was totally black so it appears that the Resoline is working. The truck is unbelieve as far as original, we couldn't find any where that is other than original and no rust at all. Should make a good truck to redo. again thanks for the feedback. :fr:
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