Yeah... I could see having one for special applications like "dirt/desert racers/rock crawlers".
I doubt I'll be doing any of that in my '68 CS, at least not on purpose...
Now back in the day, I had a '68 F100 2x4 that I would thrash, the hills and trails with...
But ya can't beat a '62 Ford Country Sedan for a brush stomper... like this one, but white and not nearly as nice...

This was the first car I bought myself I got it for $50... It was in nearly mint original stock condition... at least until I got it.
I gutted the interior of every thing except the front bench seat... I lifted it 3 inches and ran 15"x8" mudders all the way around that was about the biggest size you could get in off road style tires.
I also removed the PS pump, and blocked off the PS hoses, so all the fluid wouldn't leak out .. It steered easier than manual, but not nearly as easy as PS, so there was less problems with over steering on the dirt roads.
We would race the dirt back roads, and there was only one rig I was never able to beat...
One of the guys parents had a brand new BMW that he would dirt race.. with out their knowledge of course.
Ahhh those were the days