So, I See see a cluster of wires and plugs, red, yellow and black, I have no idea what they are, where they go or what they do. Then there is the relay, I think that is what is is. I went to napa and replaced it, they told me it is a 12 volt relay. So, I got a new one, came home and hooked up.
The good news is the new part, (relay)? is not making that intermittent clicking sound anymore. but the bad news is my dash and rear and lights are still flashing on and off, just the dash and the rear lights. So I try to investigate some more and it sounds like the main light switch is making a clicking sound right behind the dash?
So, After I get done being mad I tried to get the switch disconnected and I cant figure it out, how to get it unplugged and disconnected. But, while in the process I felt what I think is a little button on the top of the switch assembly, located on the top part of the plug or housing assembly underneath and behind the dash. I pressed it a few times, tried the lights again and for the short drive I went on the lights worked, nop problems!
So, my questions are,
What is the part in the pic and what does it do, I think its a relay.
And, is there some sort or reset button on the top rear side of the light switch assembly? Like a reset switch?
The 3 colored plugs next to the (relay) what are they and where do they go, Red, yellow and black.
And, is there anything that you guys think I need to check?
Thanks for the help, it seems s like I have one thing happen after another! But I love this old girl, and with all of you r help, see can keep running.