Alright, I have all new cables, new battery (well....used but checked by autozone and sold as new/used), and my alt checked out good.
Why am I not getting a charge? I had it up to like 11.7 running....yay how exciting, right? Should it not jump up to 13.4 when running? It's the same running as it is not cranked. Also, the voltage regulator is new.
Whats not right?
Last edited by layedout72 on Sun Nov 18, 2007 12:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
how old it the voltage regulator or more important the voltage regulator conector. The connector is about $4. Also make the sure the engine is grounded the the firewalll and frame. Motormounts make bad grounds.
68 F100 soon to be on an 80's 4x4 frame and 300-4spd
69 F100 300-4spd
78 F150 300-3spdOD
The battery is grounded on the core support and the motor is grounded on the firewall. I need to get a cable for a frame ground but I think I am okay as it runs fine and all, lights work, that kinda stuff. Voltage regulator is brand new, and the connectors are just little slide on connectors, it's not the stock style connector. they are getting a good connection.
would somewhere like autozone have the plug for the regulator?
yup should be a hole up under the area around the alternator.
also mine charges fine with it bolted to the alternator bracket.
I couldn't find my hole as it may have the bolt busted off in it.
"It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt." - Mark Twain
'70 f250 4x4 Crew cab 460/C6 '72 F100 390/C6 9.8 MPG AVG. '89 Mercury Cougar LS Dual Exh. V6 . 18.9 MPG AVG. In Town.
I don't want to give em a heart-attack. That is what would happen if I answered the door in the buff. Heck it almost scares me to death when I step out of the shower and look in the mirror.~Mancar1~ should always be grounded to the block. Not the frame and not a body panel. Electricity doesn't travel through rubber very well, and that's exactly what you're asking it to do, by having to travel through rubber radiator support bushings and engine bushings.
____| \__
-O-----O- Keith
'67 F-100 2WD SWB ~ '69 F-100 4WD SWB w/7" chop ~ 1975 F-250 Ranger XLT Supercab Camper Special My '67 restoration video -> Posting and you!<-a MUST watch for all!!
You do have the voltage regulator mounted don't you?
If I'm not mistaken it too has to ground.
I'd check the voltage right at the alternator first, (sounds to me like it's not putting out). Should have way over the 11.4 like you said for sure.
Jeff ... 22&t=46251
SOLD-71 F-350 dually flatbed, 302 / .030 over V-8 with a "baby"C-6, B & M truckshifter, Dana70/4.11 ratio, intermittent wipers, tilt steering, full LED lighting on the flat bed, and no stereo yet (this way I can hear the rattles to diagnose)! SOLD!
Many Ford bumps / one 76' EB / and several dents through the years.
A lot of "oddball" Ford parts collected from working on them for 34 years now!
2008 Ford Escape 4 x 4
yes . thats right. you should have a ground from the lower valance to the frame and front bumper on the pasenger side i think if its still there. if not then that would be a good place to put one back.
the purple wire that runs from the ignition switch to the I post on the regulator, and off to I believe the ammeter, I have been told I don't need it, but what exactly was it?
I have an "alt exciter" wire that I was told to hook to the I post, but I don't know if that's right or not...
If a truck is equipped with an ammeter, the wires to it are yellow...and both of them are shunted off the cable which extends between the starter solenoid and the alternator.
The purple wire is a resistance wire, and ties into the green/red wire which extends from the voltage regulator to the instrument panel. (See this diagram.)
____| \__
-O-----O- Keith
'67 F-100 2WD SWB ~ '69 F-100 4WD SWB w/7" chop ~ 1975 F-250 Ranger XLT Supercab Camper Special My '67 restoration video -> Posting and you!<-a MUST watch for all!!
FORDification wrote:If a truck is equipped with an ammeter, the wires to it are yellow...and both of them are shunted off the cable which extends between the starter solenoid and the alternator.
The purple wire is a resistance wire, and ties into the green/red wire which extends from the voltage regulator to the instrument panel. (See this diagram.)
okay, so i need to use the purple wire, and run it straight to the I post on the regulator? That's what i'm getting from the link spartman posted...