that plug is for the windshield washer. look up higher towards the cab for the black crossed over wired plug.
it looks like a plug with a short little wire going back to the plug itself.
fordman wrote: look up higher towards the cab for the black crossed over wired plug.
it looks like a plug with a short little wire going back to the plug itself.
are you talking about the washer still or did you switch back to the lights. and if your talking about the washer, are you describing what the plug looks like that i need to plug the one in the pics into?
that plug you showed was the washer plug. the plug mike was talking about is real close to the firewall it looks like the wire goes right back into itself.
i just looked again and couldnt find anything like how you had described it or anything like in the pic. ill check again tomorrow when i can actually see what im trying to look at.
hey mike,
that pic would help alot. but i dont need it right away. thanks for trying though. i hope the the two wires and the plug are still there. if not, then that is just more work i have to do. oh well. i guess i cant expect a 1971 truck to have everything working still.
i have two wires coming out of the reverse switch that are red with black and two wires coming out that are black with red. if i traced them i bet i could find out where two of them end if the plug ends up being missing. well see tomorrow.
i dont know what you mean by test light but my dad has a handheld radioshack wire tester that tells you if the wire is an open wire or not. if thats what you mean. the thing im talking about is what we have used to start tracing the problem but we got lost.
the wires come out of that switch and go up and through the firewall to the engine compartment to a plug that routes the circut back to itself. and copletes the circut. if the plug is in place then test it at that plug if it good at the plug then follow the wires back to the rear of the truck to see if you still have power back there. if there is no plug then make a plug to complete the circut. or if its not not at that plug then the problem lies under the dash after the nss and before that plug.