I reviewed 3-4 different Duraspark wiring diagrams and all were different although none used a relay and all started back at the ignition switch. The Mustang crowd seemed to consistently connect to the "I" terminal on the solenoid but the Jeep crowd disconnected everything from the "I" terminal leaving it empty. There was one post where a guy experienced the same issue as you due to a sticking solenoid. He said it was random and when it wouldn't die, he'd just tap on the top of the solenoid with a hammer handle and it would quit.
Don't rule out another bad solenoid, I've installed 3 in a row before getting a good one. Also could be an issue with your ignition switch. The "ign switch wire" in your sketch, going to the #86 terminal, did you come off the 3 prong plug with the oil/water temp senders on it or did you come straight form the ignition switch? Regardless, if it's working without the "I" terminal connected, run with it! If it works, it's fixed