sorry they only want $191 but it does come with the bracket i was thinking about taking mine apart to see if anything can be done with it.It's not like i can screw it up anyway
just be careful when taking it apart. watch for springs flying out of it. and dont unmash the metal you have to work the backlite plastic part out of the metal.
i have been abl eto snap them back together. maybe i have been lucky. i guess you could try gluing it with some rubber bands to keep it together while it dries.
If I remember correctly Ford didn't snap them together. I believe the one I had taken apart had small notches in the thin metal housing that Ford (or the manufacturer) pressed in on which made a small indention in the metal, over the bake-o-lite base, which kept the two halves together. I believe I carefully bent the impressed notches of the metal housing outward, did my cleaning, and when I matched everything up on reassembly I believe I tappeed the depressed notches back in with a small screwdriver, striking the screwdriver lightly with a pair of diagnal wire cutters. If you look at other switches Ford installs in their vehicles, like wiper switches, I believe they are assembles in the same general fashion as the emergency flasher switches. The grease that is inside of these switches is there for a reason though. I am not sure if it is like Dielectric grease or not but I believe it is there to keep the connections from overheating when the are in use.
Too many projects, too little time, but.. lovin' it!
2-1966 Mustangs (one 289-2V and one 200 6 Cylinder),
1-1990 7-Up 5.0 Mustang LX Convertible (second one),
1-1990 7-Up 5.0 Mustang LX Convertible (third one, for parts only)
1-1990 7-Up 5.0 Mustang LX Convertible (fourth one, best of the bunch).
1-1992 "FEATURE" 5.0 Mustang LX Convertible (only one)
1-1993 "FEATURE" 5.0 Mustang LX Convertible (one of the yellow ones)
floyd67 wrote:sorry they only want $191 but it does come with the bracket i was thinking about taking mine apart to see if anything can be done with it.It's not like i can screw it up anyway
I was at NPD last weekend, their new catalog does not have a price, says "call". I asked the clerk to check the price, he said "they were $199, but are now gone."
I guess I'll try opening mine and cleaning/fixing it. Wish me luck.
Laurence (Proud owner of 1969 Ford F-100 and 1970 GTO)