fordman wrote:it might not be the motr if it is working. it couldbe the switch or the resistor. those are what control the fan speeds.

If the fan works at all then it should be good! Don't waist time on it.
It will be either the switch or the resistor pack as
Fordman said, see diagram here ... heater.jpg
Check it with your test light or volt meter, you should have 12V out of the switch on 268, 269, ad 270 depending on the speed setting going to the resistor pack. The resistor pack cuts the voltage down that is sent to the heater motor, which cuts the motor speed down... so slow speed may be around 6V, med around 8V and high will be 12V to the motor. This is just a guess on voltages but you get the idea.
Glad you got it all installed ok, for the most part, and your event was good (other then your alternator problem).