brake warning light (reset?)

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Post by Supermike »

Thanks... any suggestions on which side to try first? LOL! I guess I could technically bleed all the fluid out before I get it right myself...
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re: brake warning light (reset?)

Post by Supermike »

You know... one more question about this (I'm about to have my brakes worked on by someone who knows what they're doing)...

What are the odds the distribution block (proportioning valve) is bad? Is that possible? And if so, where does one get another one? I've been looking "just in case", but can't find one anywhere... I've found the switches, and I guess it could be the switch is stuck "on", but what above the valve itself?


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re: brake warning light (reset?)

Post by sideoilerfe »

Would one be able to reset the valve by just bleeding the brakes? I would think loosening the brake line from the block is essentially the same thing as loosening the brake line from the wheel cylinder as far as the switch is concerned right? As I read it, you just need to equalize the pressure by bleeding the brake system. What difference does it make opening the line at the block vs the wheel cylinder/caliper?

My master cylinder went out and the rear brakes need to be done anyway and the front reservoir was almost empty. I made 3 stops before that light came on. I just want to know if bleeding the entire system would shut that light off?
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re: brake warning light (reset?)

Post by sideoilerfe »

Experimenting pays off! I installed the master cylinder then bled the brakes alone! Anybody ever done this? I pumped the pedal then I just used some firewood to prop in between the brake pedal and seat with a towel in front of the seat for protection. As the pedal rises as the procedure continues,I simply moved the seat back. :lol: Well, it worked! So you don't always need a second person to help you bleed the brakes.

Now the warning light stayed on. The brakes seemed a little strange but they worked. So, I again experimented (not even thinking about the light) and tried locking them up a few times. At first only the left rear locked up. Then I drove a hundred feet or so, pumped the pedal once, then tried again and both rears locked. I did this a total of 4 times and the last time all 4 locked up as they should when you stomp on the brake. I happened to look down at the light because the brakes now felt normal again and "Hey, the light went out!"

I was reading all these posts about how to reset it and I think all you have to do is bleed the entire system and then drive around a bit and lock 'em up a few times. Well, it worked for me anyway. :2cents:
Side oiler FE, see if you can catch me!!!

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Post by fordman »

i wonder how i will do when i try to recenter my valve. thanks for that info sideoiler.
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Re: brake warning light (reset?)

Post by westernkansas »

I will have to try this my light came on today after I locked the brakes up on the way to work, some idiot on a cell phone in front of me missed a turn and slamed on thier brakes to make the said missed turn. i do have a leak in my system but have yet to search for it but now that i know the rear tank of the reservoir is for the front brakes I will start at the front and inspect the lines and everything......thanks guys this topic has been helpful :woohoo:
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