moparmania wrote: I took off some underdash, aftermarket gauges and a brake controller and the washers, blinkers, and reverse lights stopped working.
Ok, I have to come clean. In my previous post, what I failed to tell you is that there was a little flame and flash when I was removing the gauges and brake controller (rookie mistake, I didn't disconnect the battery). I didn't think it (the flame/flash) was a big deal at the time. Well when
pgkeating talked about fuse box gremlins, I decided to poke around. I took off the fuse box and the back of it looked good so I reinstalled it. After a few hours of finding nothing in the other wiring, I took off the fuse box again, turned on the key and blinkers, then started jiggling the fuse box. Well what do you know, the blinkers started working (and the washer and the reverse lights too). Jiggled some more, they went off. I then tried to jiggle one wire at a time until I figured out which one it was. It turned out to be the big black one going into the ignition switch. I decided to pull the switch assy to get a better look. Not wanting to make the same mistake, I disconnected the battery this time. I pulled the connector off of the ignition switch and looked at the switch. There was some evidence of burning, but not too bad. I decided to look at the connector plug. Ok on the outside but toast on the inside! The plastic was fried and the terminals burnt. I'm assuming that this is my problem. So I'll have to get a new connector and solder it in. Hopefully the switch is good, but I'll replace that next if the new connector doesn't solve the problem. Another lesson learned: disconnect the battery when you are doing electrical work.