1995 460 fuel pump question

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1995 460 fuel pump question

Post by Gaslight »

I am putting a 95 FI 460 into my 69 F100. I have already converted it to carburetor. I was OK with thinking I was going to have to use an electric fuel pump. But I started thinking about just putting a mechanical pump onto the 460. I cannot find any information on whether the eccentric is on the camshaft on this engine and hooking up a mechanical pump is just a timing cover and go. Or is it more involved?

Anyone have any knowledge on this?

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Re: 1995 460 fuel pump question

Post by DuckRyder »

I should say i don't have much experience with Lima Motors, but most Fords have a eccentric bolted onto the front of the cam.

my guess is that adding one would be as simple as a longer dowel pin and perhaps bolt to add the eccentric. You should double check me.

I hope there aren't 142 different timing covers line a SBF. :eek:
1972 F100 Ranger XLT (445/C6/9” 3.50 Truetrac)

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