I don't have the rubber pads measured, but at least here's a little info:
Here's a view of a comparison between the stock rear cab mounts and the LMC replacements. See the raised area around the bolt hole on the rubber? That raised portion fits the hole exactly, to keep things from sliding around.
The front mount pads are virtually the same. Here's a picture I took when I was assembling my truck. Turns out the metal sleeve they provide is too long and had to be trimmed up by the amount shown, in order to tighten it down:
I also found the LMC replacements to be way too thick, raising the front of the cab up more than it needed. I was going to have to trim them down:
In fact, after trying for a little while to get these to fit right, I ended up tossing them and just using some good clean original pads I had from a parts truck instead...they fit better.
Here's a close-up picture of the left front body mount I took immediately after my frame came back from the powdercoaters, showing the nick left in the hole by their crane. I wasn't worried about it, just ground it down and installed the mounts.
Here's a picture of the rear mount area with the mounts installed (taken during the disassembly:
The holes in this crossmember are the same size as those on the front mounts.
Hope this helps.