Air compressor question.

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Air compressor question.

Post by Zorm »

Ok, I just upgraded from a 30 gal tank to a 60 gal. Also from a 1 phase 110 to 1 phase 220 motor and a new pump. I listed all those as separate because they were added together but were not bought as one unit.

So after running all the wiring as per code, and finish the plumbing, (with my 4 line copper pipe dryer) I powered it all up and ran fine, its just as the compressor shut off, as per the psi control, it would leak or bleed air from the control.

On my old 30 gal compressor, when the mtr shut off, the air leak/bleed would just be a small 1-2 sec one then stop, as air was used and psi went down, the comp would kick back on cycle would start all over again, no constant air bleed after comp stooped. I used that same controller on this new set up. So, i thought there was something wrong with it, went to Tractor Supply and bought a new psi switch assy. ... ure-switch

Installed and the same thing happening.

So, since I up graded and got larger, more capacity, do I also need to upgrade my psi switch?

thanks for the help
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Re: Air compressor question.

Post by sargentrs »

I also pieced mine together from different units. A friend gave me a 30 yr old Swan 220v direct drive compressor with a rotten tank and I bought an almost new 60gal Husky with a blown compressor for $125. I put a check valve in the tank inlet port before connecting the output line from the compressor. Air goes in but can't come back out. Similar to the one below. You can see it in the bottom picture, in the top of the tank.
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Re: Air compressor question.

Post by davelj »

There should be a check valve between the compressor and the tank to stop the bleed back.
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