Yesterday I popped another cab bulb so this evening my oldest and I went on a mission to find foam for new gaskets. I've been searching for a couple weeks without success. So after stopping back out at Autozone for bulbs at $6 a pair we rode over to Hobby Lobby and found some Silly Winks foam sheet. And just like little kids we started making up sentences with Silly Winks in it, good times.
For $2.40 we got a sheet of 5mm black and a sheet of 3mm white. The original gray gasket was 3.5mm thick. No gray in the thicker stuff so we decided to go with white as it should reflect the light better if it would stay below the silver body and black if the gasket was going to be visible.

A new utility knife blade made really quick work of the gaskets. I ended up just using a spare lens and cut about 1/16" wider than the lens. For the inside slot I just punched two 1/2" hole and cut a slot between them. Simple but effective.

It took about 15 minutes to make and install the new gaskets, time well spent.