selinoid/relay Q's

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selinoid/relay Q's

Post by rjewkes »

When connecting the fusable links and the B+ on a starter relay/selenoid, does it realy matter if the B+ is on the outside verses the inside? By that i mean do the fusables have to go on the relay/selenoid first and then B+ if so what makes the difference?

I ask cuase although shaped differently and possable higher wattage or ohmed, My '89 cougar works better with the B+ on the outside of the fusable links, if i put it under the links as in it's the first connection on that post the guages flicker on and off on the digital dash. So in my case it does seem to make a difference, but should it or is another problem indicated? also with the B+ on the outside the oil guage goes to full pressure when i go to park.

and is the Bat- supposed to bolt on between the block and the motor mount or is it supposed to go under the alternator? I know on the older engines it goes on the block near the alternator.
but these efi eec IV cars drive me bonkers as far as wiring and vaccum routing.
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Re: selinoid/relay Q's

Post by basketcase0302 »

We place higher amperage draw breakers in a main electrical panel as close to the main lugs as possible, (to reduce overheating of the bus bar). But I've never heard of this making a difference at all on a Ford truck. I'd say you have some corroded terminals on the cougar causing that symptom-as it shouldn't matter as long as the terminal ends are clean and intact. :2cents:
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Re: selinoid/relay Q's

Post by rjewkes »

Thank you, only thing left original in the citcuit is the factory distribution box and the main harness. Maybe time to pull the relays in the power box to see if they are corroded and maybe tje box to check its wiring. After that it maen inspecting every wire. Or even replacing the whole harness
"It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt." - Mark Twain
'70 f250 4x4 Crew cab 460/C6 '72 F100 390/C6 9.8 MPG AVG. '89 Mercury Cougar LS Dual Exh. V6 . 18.9 MPG AVG. In Town.
I don't want to give em a heart-attack. That is what would happen if I answered the door in the buff. Heck it almost scares me to death when I step out of the shower and look in the mirror.~Mancar1~
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