the one looped wire is orange and i believe the other two are black with a red stripe. and the cab never had clearance lights so i dont think that is it unless the just installed the pieces at the factory in all cabs. btw the cab/wiring is a 69 model
cookmatt67 on Fri May 11, 2012 5:49 pm
ok yhe big one is the parking light relay. havent figured out the other one yet
I could be wrong, (been wrong before ) but I don't believe our trucks ever came with a "parking light relay". That relay is typically for the marker lights:
Is your truck an F-250 or an F-350?
Jeff ... 22&t=46251
SOLD-71 F-350 dually flatbed, 302 / .030 over V-8 with a "baby"C-6, B & M truckshifter, Dana70/4.11 ratio, intermittent wipers, tilt steering, full LED lighting on the flat bed, and no stereo yet (this way I can hear the rattles to diagnose)! SOLD!
Many Ford bumps / one 76' EB / and several dents through the years.
A lot of "oddball" Ford parts collected from working on them for 34 years now!
2008 Ford Escape 4 x 4
hmm looks as though you may be correct about the marker lights. took it all apart and found that the 69 and later f-250/350 marker light circuit is identical. hmmmm..... i'm thinking someone has changed the cab in the past. but there never were marker lights on the roof of this cab so it threw me off a bit as mine is a f-100 and there are no holes in the roof steel