1969 ford Camper Special
I purchased recently just brought it home with a tow chain truck was missing the starter battery and Alternator the wires from the alt where melted also the flywheel teeth showed that the starter engaged while running I think causing the melt down Installed new starter alternator and voltage regulator starter solinoid Repaird the wiring using the fordification diagrams was a big help I placed all the wires like the diagram said I have one wire left its a eyelit with a Black wire with a white stripe? Also there is a eyelit with a yellow and red wire ? so tried to start no go changed the ignition and still no go checked for power at the solinoid and has power also the red blue wire along with the brown has power Im Stumped also checked the parking neutral switch it seems to be working fine jumpingthe coil with the key on will not do anything but it will turn over when the key is off
1969 Ford F250 start problem
Moderators: FORDification, Thunderfoot