67 wiring question...

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67 wiring question...

Post by Calfdemon »

I looked in the tech articles and the wiring diagrams but cant find the answer. The search function is so limited now that I cant go past page 1 of the results, so here I go. I hope this wasn't asked before, but if it was, I can't find it.

I bought a 67 radio and see that there are only 3 wires coming from it. A long black with an inline fuse, which obviously is power. Then there is a green and black which come out together ending in a plug (male/female split). Am I to assume these are the speaker wires? The 67 truck I am working with has the original speaker wiring from the dash speaker hacked, so if there was a plug there, it is long gone. Wanted to ask before I hack them on a guess.

And since there is only a power wire leaving the radio, does the unit ground when mounted by means of the dash? There is no ground wire for the radio, so that is another guess on my part.

Now, last question... I know on the 68-72, the radio's got their power from the accessory plug (3 plugs) off the ignition unit. The 67 is wired differently and does not have this accessory plug, and the fused wire from the radio has an eyelet style end that looks to go around a screw (like a ground would have). How did the 67 radio hook up to get its power and where did it draw from? I looked at the fuse box and see that it has a fuse marked specifically for RADIO, so did the power wire connect directly to the fuse box somewhere?

Thanks for any replies... Going to mess with it while I wait for someone that knows to answer. :)

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Re: 67 wiring question...

Post by Calfdemon »

After toying with the radio, I answered my own questions. Ill post what I found here in case anyone else is ever looking for it:

The fuse box on the 67 has its own wire coming from it that is dedicated for the radio. It is a red wire. (it was hacked and going no where on the truck I am working with).

The green and black wires that have the male/female split plug, are in fact, speaker wires.

The radio obviously grounds itself in the dash when mounted.

Now all I have to figure out is how the change out the burnt out bulb in the radio. Guess I should have checked that before I installed it.

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Re: 67 wiring question...

Post by 67mann »

Calfdemon wrote:The fuse box on the 67 has its own wire coming from it that is dedicated for the radio. It is a red wire. (it was hacked and going no where on the truck I am working with)..
OOH so that the power source they used for the brake light switch :doh:
Hey Rich, is your truck still original...as far as the brake light switch is concerned? If so does it have a green wire to it :? And anyway you could get a pic...if it is
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Re: 67 wiring question...

Post by Calfdemon »

The truck I was working on was CNM67's and it did have the original brake switch on it until last week when we put power brakes in and had to swap the 67 pedal assembly for a 68. But the same 2 wires that went to the 67 brake switch were used for the 68-72 switch. I just had to to change the plug type. I can probably get you a picture next time he has his truck over here (which may be this evening) and can tell you the wire colors.

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Re: 67 wiring question...

Post by 67mann »

Hey Rich I found a pic of it in the tech section....I still had the original(now that I know),but couldn't get it to work...so I left it in there to space the pedal and added a push button switch :thup:
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Re: 67 wiring question...

Post by mk »

On the last couple of 67s I disassembled the radio wire originated at the middle post on the back of the ignition switch (67 only), thus explaining the eyelet.

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