howdy..ive read the post on the bo lighting on the inst panel and have concluded that i may possibly have a bad ignition switch. but the problem im having is the inst panel and the tail lights(both sides) go out. when i shut the lights off and give them a little time-too cool????- they all come back on and all work for a little while and then go back out. do you think this is a switch issue or something else? the fuses do not blow and cant find any loose conections under dash. have a new light switch and tested it against an old switch and both seem to have the same result. wadda u think?
there is a circuit brkr INSIDE the light switch?? if so that would explain why the switch get pretty warm when i have the lights on. if that is true then i probably do have an electrical short/ground issue. any clues or past experiences/advice on where to start looking?
yea, all stock bulbs. looks like theres been alot of "construction" under the dash so thats where im gonna start. do you think it would be safe to say that my problem is restricted to just the lighting circuits from the switch or should i be looking for something else as well?
given the age and the fact that you say there has been 'construction' under the dash tells me you should be looking at everything. The lighting circuit will be the focus, but I have seen people ground the weirdest things...
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found 2 wires spliced into the wiring bundle in the engine compartment that went back to the tail lights. those wires ran up the frame towards the rear and were just hanging there???? the ends were stripped as it they actually went to something??? one of the ends was grounding/shorting against the frame. cleaned up the mess and all is good. i can drive the "old no 7" at night now.