I believe duralast gold battery is the best, whats even better is autozone's warranty on batteries

Moderators: FORDification, Thunderfoot
Thats what Im talking about WhatevermanWhateverman wrote:interstate battery- i had one of them last 10yrs before it calfed it on me - i was pretty impressed...the replacement ones didn't beat that mark,but at least they didn't fail before the warranty expired
the battery i'm most impressed with is the cheapy Energizer one from walmart i've got in my ol' pig (i think its got 450 cold cranking amps) i bought it for my old lincoln towncar ,but ended up not needing it afterall...after losing the reciept of course..(stupid junkyard battery cables)....so it rode around for around probably 2 yrs in the trunk ..in the spare tire well which was full of water... after i parked the lincoln and was stripping it of anything usable i "discovered" the long forgotten battery upside down in the puddle of rusty swamp water in the trunk
well anyways about 6 months later i needed to fire up my ol' pig after its engine swap but the battery i was using just kept dying so i decided to see if the energizer would even do anything - hadn't been charged or anything for over 3yrs probably - i ended up cranking the engine for at least a half hour in total (probably more) while i timed and retimed the motor ...the engine fired up eventually so dunno how much longer the battery could have gone for ,but it didn't seem to phase it much....