Not really sure if there is a discrepancy in the tech article here on the site-or if my original 71' column wiring is the issue here...Hoping maybe someone has ran across this, rather than having to ohm every wire to trace-which will take way...too much time (which I have a feeling I'm gonna have to do anyway).

I got a tilt column for my truck, (it was gonna cost me more to repair the non-tilt column) for my 71. The column was sold to me as a 76' tilt column from a van, but I now believe it is from a 79' 2WD model due to the wiring and from what I've read here in the tilt steering tech article:
But it does have a removable splined connector on the bottom, (4WD)?

It measures the same length as my 71' column, so it will bolt right into the truck if I can get past the wiring.
The wiring in the tech article states 71' colors-which don't seem to hold true for my 71's wiring. Here's one picture of the 71' (on the left) laying beside the 79' tilt column (on the right) with the wiring colors visible.

And here's another picture of the two columns with the 71 on the top and the 79 tilt on the bottom:

The following wiring colors on my 71' column, (which are visible in the above photos) are also verified by my laminated wiring diagram from these guys:
Green w/ white stripe
White w/ blue stripe
Yellow w/ black stripe
Red w/ black stripe
and purple w/ yellow stripe (in the photo) not on my laminated wiring diagram.
The 79' tilt steering column wiring colors (visible in the above photos):
Green w/ white stripe
White w/ blue stripe
Yellow (horn ground per tech article)
Lt Blue
Dark Blue
Green w/ red stripe
White w/red stripe (hazard per tech article)
Blue w/red stripe (column shift indicator light per tech article)
Orange w/blue stripe
I can wire the two harnesses together per tech article as follows feeling comfortable:
71' to 79'
white w/blue white w/ blue
green w/ white green w/ white
After this the wiring just doesn't jive with the article. Anyone have any direction here rather than blowing fuses or having to check for voltage or ohm every wire to see where they go?