Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Moderators: FORDification, Thunderfoot
That's what I am thinking, too, but I'd love to see some pics for ideas on where to put them.fordman wrote:they were probably rectangle back then.
You're right, Doug, the stock Mustangs had round lights. Starting in '68, Lucas or Marchal supplied these rectangle lights for the Shelbys, California Specials and the XR7-G CougarsDoug F wrote:Everything was round back then...
Mustang fogs in 67 and 68 were round. It wasn't until the early 70s until the Mustang switched to rectangular fog lights...
Those are the ones I was thinking about... I personally am getting some round ones by Marchal or Cibie for my 67. Yellow is a Fog light and White is a driving light.