I have finally got my engine to crank but have a few questions before my first start. I can jump my starter silinoid to start it but for some resone my coil is getting hot, this just happens just trying to get it to crank. I was trying the hot wire method at first and noticed the coil got hot to the touch. Pull of the 12v hot coil wire from batt and rehooked up from the key but is still hot. Before trying the hot wire method my test lite had a very dim light tothe coil but after it is bright just like on every other connection. I know I have wire issues becasue It wont even try to start from the key. Reading other post I have learned of the two brown wires from the ignition, but I have one not hooked up to anything but has a fuse hook up at the endlike on a stereo but I cant find the other end anywhere under the dash.
the coil is feed by two wires. one from the ignition switch (resistor wire pink) and one from the starter relay (brown). the brown wire is only activated when the starter relay is engaged to start the engine. and then sends a full 12 volts to the coil along with the resisted power from th epink resistor wire. after the truck starts the brown wire doesnt send power to the coil anymore. constant crancking may be sending too much power to the coil making it hot.
if you have an electronic ignition system then the resistor wire isnt used usually. and a full 12 volts is used to start and run the truck. if the coil is hot without constant cranking causing the problem then it may be time to replace the coil. a hot coil can cause no spark.
I have only the pink wire going to the + side of the coil, no brown wire. There is a brown wire to the starting relay by the battery. I have put a electronic ignition in place of the points, it has a basic red wire to + and black to -.
I did just try to start for kicks to see it it would kick over but to no avail. It would either backfire through carb or out the open exaust. When I gave up I noticed the coil was hot (probly from trying to long your rite). However when I went to disconnect the - batter cable it was hot as well as the + side. I didnt know these would heat up while starting.
the brown wire hooks to the resistor wire just before exiting the cab to go out to the engine. so it wont be seen unless you look up under the dash at the firewall plug. as far as electronic ignition. you may have to remove or bypass the resistor wire to get the correct voltage to the coil. that is determined by manufacturer of the elecetronic system that is used. yea too much voltage with the battery wire. dont use it. jump the starter realy with the front large terminal to the front small terminal. that will by pass the ignition switch.
Does the brown wire go through the fire wall straight to the starter coil?? not the ignition coil?? rite.
as far as the eletronic ignition it just replaces the points, it has a red wire that goes tothe pos side and black to the neg side of the coil.
the only other thing on the coil is a green wire with pink strip the the pos side. Sorry wiring is not my strong suit and I have no voltage tester.
the brown wire is wire number 262 in this diagram. going from the starter realy and mates up with the resistor wire inside the cab at the firewall. i cant giude you on the elcetronic iginition stuff. what electronic system is it?